Many of you might be wondering about my silent past two weeks. The truth is that as a kind of premonition my last article was about breaking an engagement. The day after that publication I was breaking mine.
As sad as it is it is very difficult for me to make it public. However, I have to do it for two reasons. First of all, I want to say that we are still together and that all the pressure that has been put on us to break our engagement has also made our love stronger —if that was possible at all.
Also, I want to thank my family and friends, who have been beside me these days. I was overwhelmed with calls, with friends taking me out, not leaving me alone one minute, with my family telling me every single moment that any decision I made I would have their support. It’s a pity that sometimes bad things need to happen to make us realize what we have.
Without all of you I would still feel miserable. But I feel really grateful of having you. I can shout out loud that I have the best friends and the best family of the world.
Leer en español Can you imagine receiving a premature engagement surprise? It could happen. It is not that rare that couples break their engagement before getting married. I’ve met a few. Can you think about it? It must be quite tough.
The question that often arises is whether the woman should return the engagement ring. The answer is yes; in fact, women traditionally refuse offers of marriage by refusing to take the offered engagement ring.
It is true that there is a non written rule where gifts may not be revoked; but an engagement ring is the exception that confirms the rule, as it is only a conditional gift. Questioning whose fault was it or why did the break-up occur is irrelevant. The ring will only become property of the woman if and when marriage occurs.
A woman who keeps an engagement ring but doesn’t marry the man could be considered dishonest; in some countries the man could actually hold to the law to get his ring back.
However, what if he breaks-up? Would you return your engagement ring? Depending on the reason I would absolutely justify not giving it back.